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Yousef Salem, M.D.

Yousef Salem, MD is board-certified in Urology.  He is a clinical assistant professor at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences.  He is also the Chair of the Department of Surgery at INOVA Alexandria Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia. Dr. Salem previously served as secretary of the Department of Surgery and chief of the Department of Urology at INOVA Alexandria Hospital.
Dr. Salem attended medical school at the State University of New York and completed his residency in Urology and General Surgery at the George Washington University Hospital.  He holds certifications for the following procedures: collagen injection, laser application in urology, extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy, brachytherapy for prostate cancer, transurethral microwave thermo therapy, prostatron, hand assisted laparoscopic surgery, TVT, cryosurgery, green light laser ablation of prostate, holmium laser evaporation of prostate, and laparoscopic & hand-assisted nephrectomy surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
His awards include First Place in Clinical Research, Mid-Atlantic section of the American Urological Association and Third Place in Clinical Research, Residents Scholars Conference of the Washington Urological Society. Dr. Salem has traveled as a medical consultant and lectured at various medical centers in the Middle East. He has published many articles on bladder and kidney cancer and has been involved in multiple clinical trials in the treatment of prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, and erectile dysfunction. He has also been nominated as a top American Surgeon for 2014 and 2017.

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